This site has been designed by Dr Adela Cora and Prof Phil White, who are neuroradiologists working at Newcastle University and at the Royal Victoria Infirmary Hospital. We have developed a validated case archive of CT Angiograms consisting of 50 cases to deliver training in CTA interpretation.
The scans and the clinical details of every patient were reviewed and the clinical presentation, scan findings, treatment and long term outcome were anonymised and collated. We developed a full day CTA course consisting of short lectures and simulated radiology training using Osirix. This was done with the help our our local radiology colleagues who have developed the Northern Radiology Maclab. Dr Philip Gonsalves, the MacLab fellow, had significant input into helping us with setting up the website security and the online Osirix cases. Our CTA course was very successful within the North East of England and there was demand for an online component.
We have developed this website for interested radiographers, radiologists and stroke physicians who would like to further develop their skills in acute stroke imaging.
We have worked hard to put this project together and we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Depending on demand and feedback we are considering expanding this resource and adding MR training as well. Please use our Contact Us page to tell us what we’re doing right or what we can improve on.